Milan Tribune

Jean-Luc, garbage man in Guyana cited as an example by Macron, is claiming the premium for front-line workers

What was not his surprise when his phone started to vibrate, and overwhelmed by messages and calls. Jean-Luc Samos, 49 years old, had not followed the wishes of presidential December 31, and was unaware that he had just been cited as an example, among fifteen French, as one of these “hero “ the daily “who have kept our country in the event.”

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“Jean-Luc is a driver-garbage man in French Guiana. With his colleagues Anthony and Maxime, they have never stopped working since the beginning of the pandemic. At the height of the containment, they constituted the second line that has allowed the country to continue to live and to life to continue “said the head of State this evening, making it also a tribute to Gerard, boss of a factory of masks, Roman, police, or Tends, or Mehdi, professor in the northern districts of Marseille.

The chain overseas Guyana 1re found Jean-Luc Samosdriver-garbage man for the past seventeen years in French Guiana, in the neighbourhood of Balata, to Matoury. “Etonné “ of the tribute, the man from Guadeloupe took the opportunity to meet Emmanuel Macron, saying that he and his colleagues have not received the premium, défiscalisée and a maximum amount of 1 000 euros, promised at the beginning of the epidemic Covid-19 for some workers “in the first line “ :

“The premium of 1 000 euros that you’ve put online, and that one had to touch, I never touched it. I have always assured the minimum service. I believe that my team and I, we should have those bonuses-here. I don’t think this is a mountain for you ! “

He who has continued its mission at the height of the epidemic, while the French were confined, specifies that if the trash collectors stopped working during the seven months of the crisis, the situation would have been catastrophic in French Guiana.

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“There has been no significant change since the previous containment, declared to the World at the end of November Fabrice Michaud, secretary-general of the federation, the CGT-Transport, which represents the employees of the private, on the occasion of an article on the jobs of first-line. The garbage collectors have been recognized as a public utility, but this recognition is not made or in the currency hard cash or revaluation of careers, and even less in consideration of the hardness, which remains one of claims flagship of the sector. “

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Other “profession” in the first line : the help at home. Four months after the promise of Emmanuel Macron that a premium be paid “before Christmas “ to those who continued to work during the confinement, the minister delegated to the autonomy, Brigitte Bourguignon, had welcomed on Thursday, December 17, 101 departments and communities departmental (103) are “committed “ to do so. “It is a fact of communication that makes us believe that almost all the professionals have reached a premium. But this is not the reality on the ground “reacted with the World Anne, assistant of life and founder of national collective, The invisible force of help at home, which is created on Facebook in the spring.

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The World

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